3 Top tips for efficient storage & warehousing

16 June 2022

For a manufacturer or distributor, managing supply and demand is a tricky challenge. Even when we think we have mastered seasonal demands, factors such as COVID, the war in Ukraine and supply shortages leave us needing to re-evaluate our supply chain situation.

One way to manage supply chain issues without losing revenue is to adopt an effective strategy for storing goods before they are shipped to the customer. This allows businesses to have a buffer of goods that can meet demand when there are supply issues.

It also allows businesses to build up stock when demand is lower and avoid closing down or reducing production.

Here are 3 tips for efficient storage and commercial warehousing of your goods, so that you can maximise your business operations:

Develop long-term warehousing and storage strategy

Planning ahead and developing a long-term strategy for commercial warehousing of your goods can really help you to gain efficiencies and plan properly.

Don’t just contact a commercial storage company when you need space and hope that they will have the capacity you need (and at the best price possible).

Instead, find a long-term partner that you can work with and that understands your needs. Ensure that you also understand their operations. How flexible are they? Are they local and how quickly can they pick up and collect your goods?

At Broughton Transport, we offer flexible commercial warehousing in Wiltshire. Get in touch to find out how we partner with manufacturers and suppliers to help them with their warehousing and storage long term planning.

Consider palleted goods storage

Pallet storage is a great way to maximise your storage operations, reduce costs and speed up the supply chain. If you use industrial storage facilities that offer pallet storage, then make sure to take advantage of the benefits that they offer.

Because palleted goods storage takes up less space, and since most commercial storage facilities charge by the square metre, you can keep your storage costs down. Pallet storage is also much easier to collect and drop off, allowing for a shorter delivery time.

Broughton is part of the nationwide TPN Pallet storage network which allows manufacturers and wholesalers to benefit from a proven network of freight businesses that work together nationwide.

The TPN network also allows for shipments to be split up into various destinations. For example, 3 or 4 pallets can be delivered to a main hub in Birmingham before being split up into smaller shipments for delivery to a number of destinations.

This reduces the lag time it takes for delivery, while also reducing costs compared to managing a large number of individual shipments from your main warehouse.

Build partnerships at different levels of supply chains

A successful supply chain strategy involves going beyond just working with industrial storage facilities. Having a close partnership with components suppliers, customers and freight forwarders allows you to understand and plan supply and demand much better.

This can help to dramatically improve the way that you serve customers as well as increase profits, thanks to lower costs.

Partner with Broughton today

At Broughton Transport, we offer commercial warehousing and storage and freight delivery of goods across the UK and Europe. Feel free to get in touch with our transport company in Wiltshire to find out how we can help your business storage warehouse needs.

FAQs on commercial storage and warehousing 

What goods to you help store and transport?
At Broughton, we provide support for a range of goods. We currently store manufactured goods including chairs, sofas, electronic devices and even garden centre goods.

Our fleet of vehicles include temperature-controlled transportation, allowing us to deliver fresh and frozen foods as well as goods that require ambient or cooler temperatures. Call us to find out how we can help with the commercial storage and transportation of your goods.

Do you only offer pallet storage?
We offer warehousing and storage to suit you. There are many benefits to using palleted goods storage but if that’s not for you, we can help. Our storage facilities are secure, and we use inventory tracking software to ensure your goods are safely stored and delivered.

Call 01225 700 657 now to speak to our commercial storage and warehousing company in Wiltshire - We can help your business storage needs.